LifeBono es un token ERC-20 desarrollado por el equipo de LifeWatch ERIC para ser utilizado en la red de pruebas de LifeBlock.
LifeBono is an ERC-20 token developed by the LifeWatch ERIC team for use in the LifeBlock testnet.
LifeBono posee todas las funciones habituales de transferencia de tokens ERC-20, como son el alta en la wallet de Metamask y el envío y recepción de los mismos.
LifeBono has all the usual ERC-20 token transfer functions, such as registering in the Metamask wallet and sending and receiving them.
Para tener tus primeros tokens LifeBono deberás dar de alta en token en tu wallet Metamask en primer lugar. Para ello debes seguir los siguientes pasos:
To have your first LifeBono tokens, you have to register the token in your Metamask wallet. To do this, please follow these steps:
- Utiliza preferentemente tu plugin de Metamask para Chrome.
- Preferably use your Metamask plugin for Chrome.
- Expande la vista para que abarque la pantalla completa (expand view)
- Expand the view to cover the entire screen (expand view)
- Selecciona la dirección donde vas a recibir los tokens LifeBono
- Select the address where you will receive the LifeBono tokens
- En la opción Assets, selecciona "Add Token"
- In the Assets option, select "Add Token"
- En el campo "Token Contact Address" escribe 0x9a3dbca554e9f6b9257aaa24010da8377c57c17e
- In the field "Token Contact Address" write 0x9a3dbca554e9f6b9257aaa24010da8377c57c17e
- Automatically it will appear in the field "Token Symbol" LFB and "Token Decimal" 0.
- You are now ready to send and receive LifeBono tokens
Next, ask the LifeWatch ERIC team to send LifeBono tokens to your address that will automatically appear at the address you have registered.
You can register Lifebono tokens as many addresses as you want in your Metamask wallet.